18 August 2023

Improve English Speaking Skills (Questions about the English language) English Conversation Practice



Hello everyone welcome to a new  Tangerine Academy English program

this is Tangerine TV and my name is Christopher  today we have a very interesting program

we're going to ask some English students  um questions about the English language

we will know how much they know about  learning English this will be an amazing video

we're here outside this institute we will  wait for a student oh there is one hello hello

who are you oh don't tell me you  are from tangerine TV oh my God

that's correct and we're here to  ask you some questions about English

if you answer them correctly you could win  a trip to Hawaii all included of course

wow that sounds great okay I want to  participate you can start with the game

all right get ready then how many  letters does the English alphabet have

oh it has 22 no 23 not sure what is it  

the English alphabet today consists of 26  letters 23 from Old English and three added later  

next question what is the most commonly  used letter in the English language

the most commonly used letter in  the English language I don't know

I will give you some options is it a e i or c

well I suppose that's the first letter of the  alphabet so I will say that's the letter A

I'm really sorry but that answer is not  correct the most commonly used letter is e

I should know that I always use  that letter in the sentences I say

next question what is the most commonly  used word in English conversations

that's a similar one can you also  give me some options for this question

all right the options are do go I or the

I've heard a lot of sentences with go  and they use it in different contexts

for example to talk about the future we use  going to so I will choose that option go

well that's not correct the correct answer  is I that's the commonly used word in English  

next question a similar one what is the  most common adjective used in English

oh I know that that's the adjective  good I've heard that many times

excellent your answer is correct you  need two more correct answers and you win

cool let's go with the other  questions then I'm ready

all right now can you tell me  how many words end with gray

let me see we have Angry then hungry and

there is one more but I don't remember but  the answer is three three words end with gree

well that's your answer then or do you  want to change your answer you can do it

no I'm sure there are three words that end with  gree I don't remember them but they are three

well you should have changed your  answer because the correct answer is to

angry and hungry are the only two common  words in English that end in agree

damn I was right then next  question please I want to continue

alright next one fill in the right letter this  means you will have to complete the sentence

more English words begin with the letter  than any other letter of the alphabet

um I'm not sure can you please  repeat the sentence again

sure more English words begin with the  letter than any other letter of the alphabet

I will say that's the letter c i see a  lot of them but to be honest I'm not sure

there are more English words beginning with  the letter s then with any other letter

this is mainly because clusters such as SC s h  s p and St act almost like independent letters  

next question what is the shortest  grammatically correct sentence in English

let me think I don't know oh do it two words

go is the shortest grammatically  correct sentence in English I'm sorry

now if you can describe with your own words  what a noun is you will have one point  

and now it is a word to describe  people animals things am I right  

kind of a noun is a word that represents  a person thing concept or place  

it doesn't describe it but represent those  things I will give you another chance.

if you can tell me what an adjective is I will  give you this point anyway can you do that

all right I can do it an adjective is a word  that modifies and describes a noun or a pronoun  

perfect that's a great answer one  more and you will win the prize

perfect I'm On Fire come on next one

all right what is the official language  of the United States of America

seriously that question it's English of course

no it's not the United States  does not have an official language

also the most commonly used language is English  people in the U.S speak more than 350 languages  

and some individual states list English as  their official language do you get it now

I didn't know that that's very  interesting one more please just one more

okay this is your last chance where  does the word goodbye come from

goodbye no I don't know that where  does it come from I want to know

the word goodbye originally comes from an  Old English phrase meaning God be with you

all right I will give you one  more opportunity but this time  
you will have some help from our subscribers  

if they can answer this question correctly  you will win the prize and the question is

what is the only word in English that  ends with the letters mt do you know it

if you know the answer you can write it on the  comments don't check on internet don't cheat  

I hope you liked this conversation if you  could improve your English a little more  

please subscribe to the channel and share  this video with a friend and if you want  
to support this channel you can join  us or click on the super thanks button  

thank you very much for your support take care. 

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